Matter and Form THREE: UX Case Study
Freelance Contract: Design the user experience for Matter and Form's next generation 3D scanner. Implementing user research to create an intuitive and responsive software interface that supports the new scanner's extensive functionality. While also advocating for the user in the hardware design process. UX/UI Case Study
Freelance Project: Shopify Ecommerce store specializing in eco-concious home goods and personal care items. Creating a shopping experience that feels trustworthy and welcoming to the average consumer.
HerHealth: UX Case Study
Concept Project: Mobile app that helps women to track and assess their health. Enabling them to better advocate for their healthcare needs.
HouseKeys: UI Case Study
Concept Project: Responsive web app providing real estate buyers with information on properties of interest.
Graphic Design for Packaging & Retail
Previous Design Experience: Personal process for the design of packaging and retail displays.